Thursday, April 18, 2019

Common Mistake #4 Made by Therapists, Coaches, and Healers in Private Practice

In this series of posts, I have been sharing common mistakes smart, skillful therapists make in private practice. So far I’ve covered:

And in this email, I’m going to talk about Mistake #4:  Lack of Vision, Thinking Small, and Playing Small.

So many times, when I ask therapists about their vision, I notice that people either have very little clarity about what they want or if they have a vision, it is pretty mediocre.

With a limited vision, you’ll get limited thinking.  

Therapists tend to be hesitant to speak about their deep desires, dreams, and fantasies, such as writing a book, creating workshops, and leading retreats since they have been often been taught to think small - that mediocre is all that’s possible in the helping field.

Thinking Small

Your thinking, ideas, and planning will be in alignment with your vision.  So if you have a small or mediocre vision, you’ll think small.  

It takes effort and expanded thinking to work smarter, not harder, but when you do, it’s a game changer.

Thinking small can also lead to working hard but non-strategically, spinning your wheels by doing things that aren’t really effective, and keeping yourself in the same cycle over and over again.  

Lack of vision and small thinking often go hand in hand with playing small (or even just playing “medium”), and it can show up in many ways in our business.

Playing small keeps people from putting their gifts out into the world with their full potential.

Do you find yourself being timid about trying new things, new offerings, or new techniques out of fear of what people will think or fear of not being good enough? Playing small is painful and often rooted in fear, anxiety, and trauma.

Does lack of confidence or fear keep you from standing out with your gifts?  Does it keep you from talking about your practice in a way that generates interest and referrals? Do you walk into a networking event and feel invisible, like no one is paying attention to you or even like you don’t matter?  Or do you get into conversations where all you do is listen but never share about your own gifts and offerings or if you do it doesn’t feel compelling or interesting?

How would life be different if you could own your talents and gifts without fear?

How would you serve the world if you step into your power in a bigger way?

I would love to support you in growing more into your vision and power.  If you are ready to stop playing small and step more fully into your power so you can put your gifts into the world in a bigger way, click here to schedule your complimentary Practice Accelerator Session. In this 45-minute session we’ll identify the three biggest obstacles getting in your way and the number one thing you can do to move forward. 

To your Success!

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