Monday, March 5, 2018

One of the biggest mistakes people make around money

One of the Biggest Mistakes People Make Around Money

One of the biggest mistakes we make around our money

One of the biggest mistakes we make around our money is not setting an income goal!  Most of us know that setting goals is really important. So why wouldn’t we do it more often? Most people don’t want to set a goal, because the minute we set an income goal, our resistance rises up saying things like, “You could never do that!,” “You’re not good enough!,” “That’s impossible!,” “In this field, are
you crazy?” Who wants to hear all that negativity?? No wonder we don’t set goals!

In this video, I walk you through an exercise of setting a goal and seeing what resistance rises up. Seeing our resistance is actually a map to our success, because once we know what it is we can work with it! 
So, just notice what happens inside you when I say this simple statement-- I want you to take a moment to set a monthly income goal.  Just pause and notice what happens in your body when I say that?  What thoughts come up?  You might have a thought that say, “I don’t wanna!! Or you can’t make me!” Or some people might turn off this video at that point.   So we can just be aware of and just honor how hard this can be for some of us! 

But if you’re still with me, YAY! And I do want us to take a moment to set a monthly income goal.
I like to look at monthly goals because sometimes we can be a little detached from an annual income, but most of us know our monthly expenses and so it can feel a little more concrete.  So, think about your monthly expenses and bills, and add in an extra $500-1000 a month to spend as you’d like, and an extra $500-$1000 to put into savings each month.  So once you have your number, just look at it, and notice how you feel. What do you notice in your body when you look at that number? What thoughts come up? Write down any thoughts that come up  around that number.   A lot
of times people have thoughts like, That’s impossible.  I could never make that happen. That would
just be too much work.  I don’t deserve it.  People like me don’t earn that muchmoney.  Now, if you didn’t have much resistance to that goal, that’s great.  In this exercise we are looking for any inner resistance, so if you didn’t feel resistance, maybe you don’t have any but maybe your goal isn’t big enough.  So try double the income goal number.  So if it was $8000, make it $16,000 and then
notice your resistance to that.  

Here's one of the reasons why goal setting is so important.  Did you know that even if you don’t set a goal, you still have a goal?? Most people don’t realize that, but we actually have a subconscious
DEFAULT goal.  Our current reality is our default goal. We are earning exactly what we believe we are capable and deserving of earning. If we are not happy with our default goal or our current earning, we need to set a big goal and work on shifting the resistance we have to it.

When we have a goal, our mind will see our goal as a puzzle to solve and start to delivering ideas and seeing possibilities to help meet our goal.  If our goal is $30,000, we will have $30,000 ideas.  If our goal is $100,000, we will have $100,000 ideas. If our goal is $200,000, well, you get the idea...  So what kind of goal do you want? Do you want to stay at your current reality or are you ready for something bigger and bolder?

In my next post, I’m going to share with you a very simple but very effective technique you can use to start shifting your negative thinking about your goal.  And using this technique., I’m going to walk you through an exercise that will actually help you believe your goal is more possible. 

1 comment:

  1. So true, I find if I don't set the goal at the beginning of the month I always scramble to make ends meet every month. By reframing my financial goals I'm seeking out more opportunities to try to meet them and in turn growing my income each month!
