Monday, April 8, 2019

Common Mistake #2 Made by Therapists, Coaches, and Healers in Private Practice

I talk to a lot of therapists who are in or who want to be in private practice, and I’ve been categorizing common mistakes that I observe smart, skillful therapists make.  In my last post, I discussed the mistake of NOT OWNING YOUR INNER ENTREPRENEUR.  In this post I’m going to discuss Mistake #2— NOT WORKING ON YOUR MONEY BLOCKS.
Even though therapists tend to be self-aware, they often don't dive as deeply as they could into their money blocks.  There are several reasons for this.
One, looking at our money issues can be painful and highly anxiety provoking.  As we know, people avoid things that are painful, especially when they don’t think that looking at it will make a difference.  
Two, people have so many BLINDSPOTS when it comes to money issues.  We can’t always see what’s getting in our way, especially without an experienced guide, and because of this, work around money issues often isn’t as thorough or as deep as it could be.
Relatedly, when working on money issues, people often do general work around money and abundance issues, but they don’t dive deep into the real specifics that are getting in their way. 
When working with clients around their businesses, I guide them to see what are often their very specific blind spots, so that they can really leave no stone unturned when it comes to their money issues. And I see therapists in shock and surprise all the time when it comes to this, because they had no idea what would be in some of the places we go.
Another thing I see is that therapists often don’t even realize that their money blocks are creating pain in their lives.  For them, money may not be a top priority or motivator.  Or because of their family, cultural, or religious/spiritual backgrounds, they bury their desire for money because they do not allow themselves to consciously want it.  But even when making money is not a top priority, money issues and blocks can still create a lot of pain.  Roots of our money blocks are often connected to deep inner issues like self-worth and deserving.
Most therapists are naturally big-hearted, generous givers who want to help wherever they can.  And many helpers have gotten a lifetime of positive feedback about how nice, loving, caring, and giving they are, reinforcing this pattern.  Of course, giving isn’t a bad thing, but this pattern can become a problem when it’s out of balance. People who give and give and give are often somewhat shut down when it comes to receiving.  Givers can forget about their own needs and can forget about boundaries. When we are disconnected from our needs and ability to receive, it can lead to feelings of burnout, exhaustion, and even depression, and it will definitely get in the way of having an abundant practice.
I love working with money blocks because it has such a direct and literal “payoff” in the lives of my clients, and also because working on money issues often takes us very quickly to deep, sacred places inside around self-worth, deserving, and receiving, which can lead us to feeling so much more joyful, confident, and grounded.

Not working on your money blocks affects countless aspects of your practice, life, and overall sense of joy in life!  Below are a few ways it can affect you:

  • Not charging your worth
  • Difficulty raising rates
  • Giving your time away for free through consistently going over time in sessions, lengthy phone calls, lengthy emails, paperwork/documentation
  • Too many discounted or free sessions
  • Overgiving with your energy—leads to feelings of depletion and exhaustion
  • Being loose and inconsistent with cancellation, no show, and other policies
  • Not attracting ideal clients
  • Attracting clients who don’t value you
  • Hating your schedule—regularly accommodating clients by working hours you don’t like; overworking out of fear and scarcity
  • Not investing in yourself or your practice
  • Saying no to trainings, personal work, and coaching you really want
  • Doing all the work yourself (instead of hiring people who could make your life so much easier)
  • Tolerating (rather than loving) the appearance, location, and “vibe” of your office
  • High levels of stress
  • Not practicing consistent and/or adequate self-care
  • Feelings of resentment towards clients
  • Not giving your best in sessions

Are you ready to go after your blindspots when it comes to money blocks so you can have the practice and life you love?  Schedule a complimentary Practice Accelerator Session  where you’ll discover the three things getting in your way and the number one thing you can do to move forward.
To your success!

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